Saturday, December 28, 2019

Performance Assesments Essay - 2798 Words

Performance Assesments Due to the implementation of this new law, states are required to annually test all students in public schools. Anthony Rebora (2004) states that â€Å"by the 2005-2006 school years, states must begin testing students in grades 3-8 in the areas of reading, math, and writing† (p. 1). In the 2007-2008 school years, science will be added in to the testing material. The tests must meet the requirements of the states academic standards. They are supposed to bring all students up to the proficient level on their assessments by the 2013-2014 school years. Rebora (2004) also observed that the academic content and achievement standards define what all children should know in order to be considered proficient in each state†¦show more content†¦It’s unfortunate that there are still ways to get around the system. Test-taking skills are important, but if one is not learning the actually material you’re now gaining any knowledge, nor are they truly proving thei r ability to score proficient on a test. There are various benefits and concerns associated with this analysis. Although the idea is to create an equal opportunity to learn and understand for all students, it really does not take into consideration the students in special education programs. No matter how hard these students may try, it can be nearly impossible for them to achieve a necessary score. The only way to be excluded from the test is if you have an IQ of 70 or below in which mental retardation comes into play. In that case an alternate assessment is distributed. (Lewis, 2003) The No Child Left Behind Law appears to be centered around a baseline of all children being on the same level. So what plans are in place for children with disabilities that may require more time and sometimes assistance in completing these tests? Former Education Secretary, Rod Paige (2004) says, â€Å"No Child Left Behind requires that children with disabilities receive appropriate accommodations on tests. Most students with disabilities are able to participate in regular statewide assessments either without accommodations or with appropriate accommodations that areShow MoreRelatedRetail Industry in India1379 Words   |  6 Pagesfoods which are generally not found in kirana stores. Its important to throw light on two major topics that are important to Indian Retail Industry, (considering the invasion by international marketers) which are Training and Development and Performance Management. Training and development Change is what helps an organization grow and coping with it requires them to have a planned procedure before hand. And, that’s when Training and Development comes into focus. 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