Thursday, December 12, 2019

Governance and Leadership Free Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Individual Reflection about Current Leadership Practice. Answer: Reflection: The necessity of emotional and social intelligence is profoundly observed in the contemporary domain of business management and education. These fields are gradually becoming exposed to the reduction in barriers of culture and geography thereby increasing the necessity of higher emotional and social adaptation. In the group activities, students in universities would have to face the requirement of implementing their social and personal competences for achieving team objectives. I was able to reflect on my personal capability of self-confidence through the use of distinct tools such as the ESCI questionnaire, Quinn Management Questionnaire and other diagnostic toolkits provided for leadership competence assessment. The self-analysis or reflection enabled me to compare my own practices from specific incidents where I was able to implement my ability of self-confidence to accomplish leadership objectives. Reflective analysis of the incidents with respect to results of the diagnostic tools would provide a cognizable impression of the particular areas in my personal competences that can contribute to the development of my self-confidence. The use of the ESCI Situational Leadership questionnaire proved to be an efficient diagnostic tool that provided a concise yet illustrative impression of my personal competences. The primary components of the ESCI questionnaire are observed in the four quadrants which characterize the essential requirements for superlative leadership performance. Self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management are the four profound pillars of the ESCI model (Leggat Balding, 2013). One of the profound advantages of the model is that it facilitates an impression of personal capabilities, awareness and initiatives alongside reflecting on the same for others also. The aspects of self-awareness and self-management included in the ESCI questionnaire allowed me to emphasize on my knowledge of my emotional self alongside the specific dimensions of self-management which I could implement for developing leadership competences such as self-confidence. Self-management dimensions asked in the questionnaire referred to my capabilities for emotional self-control, positive outlook, achievement orientation and adaptability. The prominent implications that were derived from the questionnaire assessment suggested that I scored less on the dimensions of positive outlook and adaptability (Mair, Mayer Lutz, 2015). Thereafter the findings of the questionnaire depicted my capabilities for apprehending the perception of others i.e. social awareness which was characterized by references to individual competences of organizational awareness and empathy. While I was able to score substantially well in the organizational awareness dimension, the results indicated minimal performance with respect to empathy. The concerns for relationship management referred to a wide assortment of functions such as influence, conflict management, teamwork, inspirational leadership and coaching and mentoring (McAlister, Marcos Ferrell, 2016). The results suggested potential performance in terms of conflict management, teamwork and coaching and mentoring while the influence and inspirational leadership aspects depicted minimal scores. The review of these scores with respect to the practical incidents encountered in the recent 12 months would enable me to recognize the particular dimensions of emotional and social intelligence that can assist me in the improvement of my personal leadership capability of self-confidence (Michaud, 2014). The first incident that comes to my mind when I reflect on my capability of self-confidence was a group assignment that was assigned to four members. We were required to provide a presentation on leadership traits of entrepreneurs. The requirements of the presentation could have been realized only after considerable preparatory stages involving evaluation and analysis. However, inappropriate circumstances such as health issues of two group members led to reduction in motivation of my other group partner (Mller, Pemsel Shao, 2014). During that specific period of time, we were facing the immediate requirement of catering the deadline assigned for the presentation and our preparation was not according to the expected standards. I was able to encourage my team member through my self-confidence and I assured him that I would complete major part of the assignment such as data collection and organizing the information to be presented while I motivated him to use his basic computer operation skills and prepare the PowerPoint presentation. Another incident in the university within the past 12 months which tested my ability of self confidence was the requirement of completing a dissertation research proposal pertaining to the topic of contemporary leadership strategies (Mller, Pemsel Shao, 2015). My apprehensions were primarily vested in the lack of previous experience in preparing a research proposal as I faced difficulties in understanding the data collection methodologies and standardization of data. However, I was able to overcome my apprehensions owing to self-confidence and I implemented measures for learning and minimizing my pitfalls. The essential concerns that could be observed in case of this incident were my ability to motivate myself for completing a difficult task alongside recognising my personal ability to handle stress. Critical reflection on the scores of diagnostic tests with respect to the implications of the practical incidents I faced in the past 12 months facilitated the derivation of two specific areas which I could improve for enhancing self-confidence capabilities. Developing a positive outlook and inspirational leadership competences were identified as the two areas where I need professional development. Acquisition of these competences could lead to improvement of my self-confidence further since they would impinge positive outcome on personal development as well as facilitate a viable perception of the immediate social aspects. Even though I was able to motivate the sole team member available for the group presentation project, I should have inquired into the reasons for the absence of other team members from the presentation activity and the viability of their claims of health issues. However, I refrained from such measures due to apprehensions pertaining to any potential conflict. Therefore, this indicated a low degree of self-confidence that could deter my future prospects as a leader where I would have to encounter similar situations pertaining to employee unavailability. Inspirational leadership would have been a promising resolution for such a scenario where the other team members would have overcome their limitations and contributed reasonable efforts to the team activity. The development of a positive outlook is necessarily observed as a quality that could be improved for addressing an enhancement of my personal competence of self-confidence (Nielsen, 2014). My reflection on the second scenario suggested my capabilities for pursuing objectives without any influence of setbacks or disadvantages of the situation. Further development of such behaviour could lead to prolific improvement in my personal leadership competence of self-confidence. Literature review: Self confidence is generally considered as the primary foundation upon which the leadership capabilities of an individual can flourish. The impact of developing leaders without any initiatives for confidence building could be detrimental in the long run. As per Al-sharafi Rajiani, the other potential aspects of leadership such as communication, passion and empowerment could become irrational once the individual recognizes lower scales of self-confidence. Self confidence is a formidable indicator of the personal capabilities for being assured in ideas, decisions, capabilities and judgements (Al-sharafi Rajiani, 2013). The contributions of self-confidence towards individual efforts, objectives and tolerance for frustration could be viably considered as major inputs for development of leadership capabilities. According to Bao, et al, Self-confidence also serves as an assurance for group members pertaining to the observation of control over the situation in the workplace or immediate environment (Bao, et al., 2013). On the contrary, excess of self confidence is also perceived with certain disadvantages such as irresponsive attitude towards criticism, lack of communication with team members and acquisition of opinions. Insecurities are also major outcomes of higher levels of self-confidence and have been described comprehensively in business management literature (Shattock, 2013). Self-confidence is a prolific personality trait and has been described on a generic basis according to the Trait Theory of leadership. The confidence of an individual in self and personal competences and abilities can be considered as self-confidence albeit with the introduction of viable modifications in its definition through the works of various researchers (Beer, 2014). Review of literature pertaining to self confidence and its role in development of leadership capabilities suggests diverse interpretations of the term self-confidence. Some studies imply that self-confidence is the perceived capability of self to complete specific tasks on the basis of analysis of the present scenario or from the experiences acquired in the past. As per Carter Greer, self-confidence is invariably associated with the improvement of self-efficacy and the implications of experiential knowledge related to self-confidence could lead to observation of competence to accomplish specific objectives. Self confidence also comprises of references to internal and external components including awareness and concern for self as well as towards others in the immediate society (Carter Greer, 2013). Behavioural indications have also been profoundly associated with depiction of self confidence alongside the attributes of effectiveness, initiative, persistence, positive accomplishments, self-esteem and self-awareness. Therefore behavioural or personal characteristics have been identified as notable influences on the self-confidence of an individual and self confidence development could be ensured effectively through references to essential leadership diagnostic toolkits such as ECSI questionnaire which reflect on distinct competences such as inspirational leadership and positive outlook that can be improved for obtaining reasonable outcomes in terms of leadership capabilities (De Bussy, 2013). As per Douglas, the diagnostic toolkit allowed the proliferation of outcomes such as ability of students alongside the amount of effort that can be possibly applied for accomplishing goals. Examples of variable scales introduced for measuring self confidence direct towards Attitude Attribute Scale and the Perceived Self-Confidence Scale among which the former is suitable for students while the latter is for nurses (Douglas, 2013). References towards the role of self-efficacy in the improvement of leadership competences cannot by undermined since leadership efficacy is observed as a major attribute that influences the performance evaluations in leadership simulations. It is essential to consider that an individuals perception about the personal capabilities to achieve specific tasks lead to self perception of incompetence and competence and is prominently observed in the acquired proficiency in new tasks, formation of social networks on the basis of professional initiatives and comparative reviews of the performance of other teams. The observed measurement scales for evaluating leadership competences can be held accountable for accessing opportunities to improve personal skills (Shattock, 2013). For example, observation of notable aspects of self-awareness, social relationship management and personal management could be helpful for a leader to address areas which can lead to acquisition of improvement in particular leadership competences such as credibility, influence and self-confidence. According to Hendrickson, et al, the scores obtained by leaders on notable scales such as the ESCI questionnaire can direct towards the specific dimensions of empathy, positive outlook, coaching and mentoring, inspirational leadership, influence, teamwork, achievement orientation, emotional self-control and organizational awareness where leaders either perform better or less. The observed areas of improvement from the self reflection were primarily directed towards the development of positive outlook and inspirational leadership qualities (Hendrickson, et al., 2013). An illustration of the interplay between these two aspects of emotional and social intelligence with the improvement of self-confidence can be apprehended through a comprehensive understanding of the competences and their specific characteristics. Positive outlook of an individual is accounted in the self management aspect of emotional and social intelligence as it enables the person to adapt to situations effectively on the grounds of persistence and minimal emphasis on the obstacles (Thoenig Paradeise, 2014). The essence of positive outlook is also perceived in developing a positive attitude towards people and perceiving the actions of other people positively. This could lead to reduction of insecurities thereby facilitating cognizable improvement in self-confidence of an individual and improving personal capabilities to complete assigned tasks alongside accomplishing objectives. Inspirational leadership can be associated with the ability to inspire individuals for accomplishing predefined objectives alongside motivating other individuals to project their best performance in team activities and personal initiatives (Johnson, 2014). The requirement of training for developing inspirational leadership qualities could influence the levels of self-confidence in an individual since inspirational leadership primarily requires communication with other people in the surrounding environment (Jucan, Jucan Rotariu, 2013). The skills required for communication such as personality improvement and self-grooming as well as language improvement skills could serve as vital contributions to the development of self-confidence thereby leading to improvement of leadership competences. Engagement in training programs and comprehensive review of management literature could be considered as notable initiatives that can help an individual in addressing improvement of leadership competences. The concerns for evaluating leadership competences among university students are largely vested in the observation of their capabilities to complete academic tasks and their willingness to invest efforts for obtaining higher scales of performance in the future tasks (Jones, 2013). Action Plan: Event/Month Month1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Establish The Purpose Identify Development Need Development Opportunities Action Plan Undertake Development Outcomes Review and Evaluate Conclusion: The report illustrated a self-reflection of leadership diagnostic analysis with distinct references to the competences for self-management, social awareness, self-awareness and relationship management and the depiction of personal capabilities for addressing practical scenarios. The self-reflection was characterized by the inclusion of references to two incidents that resulted in proliferation of insights for developing specific areas of emotional and social intelligence concepts such as positive outlook and inspirational leadership. A comprehensive literature review was also illustrated in the report for presenting a legible overview of self-confidence alongside reflecting on the specific aspects identified in the self-analysis and reflection that are associated with concerns of development. References Al-sharafi, H., Rajiani, I. (2013). Promoting organizational citizenship behavior among employees-the role of leadership practices.International Journal of Business and Management,8(6), 47. Bao, G., Wang, X., Larsen, G. L., Morgan, D. F. (2013). Beyond new public governance: a value-based global framework for performance management, governance, and leadership.Administration Society,45(4), 443-467. Beer, A. (2014). 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