Saturday, December 28, 2019

Performance Assesments Essay - 2798 Words

Performance Assesments Due to the implementation of this new law, states are required to annually test all students in public schools. Anthony Rebora (2004) states that â€Å"by the 2005-2006 school years, states must begin testing students in grades 3-8 in the areas of reading, math, and writing† (p. 1). In the 2007-2008 school years, science will be added in to the testing material. The tests must meet the requirements of the states academic standards. They are supposed to bring all students up to the proficient level on their assessments by the 2013-2014 school years. Rebora (2004) also observed that the academic content and achievement standards define what all children should know in order to be considered proficient in each state†¦show more content†¦It’s unfortunate that there are still ways to get around the system. Test-taking skills are important, but if one is not learning the actually material you’re now gaining any knowledge, nor are they truly proving thei r ability to score proficient on a test. There are various benefits and concerns associated with this analysis. Although the idea is to create an equal opportunity to learn and understand for all students, it really does not take into consideration the students in special education programs. No matter how hard these students may try, it can be nearly impossible for them to achieve a necessary score. The only way to be excluded from the test is if you have an IQ of 70 or below in which mental retardation comes into play. In that case an alternate assessment is distributed. (Lewis, 2003) The No Child Left Behind Law appears to be centered around a baseline of all children being on the same level. So what plans are in place for children with disabilities that may require more time and sometimes assistance in completing these tests? Former Education Secretary, Rod Paige (2004) says, â€Å"No Child Left Behind requires that children with disabilities receive appropriate accommodations on tests. Most students with disabilities are able to participate in regular statewide assessments either without accommodations or with appropriate accommodations that areShow MoreRelatedRetail Industry in India1379 Words   |  6 Pagesfoods which are generally not found in kirana stores. Its important to throw light on two major topics that are important to Indian Retail Industry, (considering the invasion by international marketers) which are Training and Development and Performance Management. Training and development Change is what helps an organization grow and coping with it requires them to have a planned procedure before hand. And, that’s when Training and Development comes into focus. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Islam Is The Second Largest Religion - 2376 Words

Islam Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity with over 1.6 billion followers worldwide. Along with Christianity and Judaism, Islam is one of the three Abrahamic Religions. Although Islam is faced with a formidable criticism in the world today, according to a Pew Research study, it is expected to surpass Christianity and become the world’s largest religion within this century; even as soon as the year 2050 (Hackett). Despite the staggering numbers of Muslims in the world, it’s almost astounding that most Europeans and North Americans have never met a Muslim (Prothero 25). Therein lies the problem as to why many Westerners see Islam as evil because that’s the image of Islam that has been propagated by the mainstream media of the West. Let’s assume that it’s not the Islamic faith that causes violent individuals and gangs to spread evil, hate, chaos. and disorder in the world, but the terrorists, who falsely hide behind Islam, ar e the ones to blame and they are the uncontrollable savages. If a person is violent, then their Islam, their Christianity, their Buddhism, their Judaism, their Hinduism, their whatever faith is going to be violent. In order to lift this veil of fear and mistrust of Islam and its followers, Muslims, we must understand the teaching of Islam. Beginning of Islam Most, if not all, Muslims would claim that Islam dates back as far as Adam. While technically correct, it wasn’t the Islam Muslims know and practice today. It was withShow MoreRelatedIslam: The Second Largest Religion in the World872 Words   |  3 Pagesmodern day, Islam is the second largest religion in the world only behind Christianity. The word itself means â€Å"peace through the submission of god.† It’s roots date back to the 7th century C.E. in the Middle East and its followers are called Muslims which literally means â€Å"anyone or anything that submits itself to the will of god.† The goal of their religion is to surrender to the will of god in every aspect of their lives and enjoy the resulting peace with god and each other. The name Islam is givenRead MoreIslam Is The Second Largest Practiced Religion1910 Words   |  8 PagesThere are many religions that people currently practice. In some cases, one religion is practiced among different c ultures, such as Islam. Islam is a religion that is constantly expending and increasing in numbers of believers. It is known, that this religion is practiced not only in Arabic countries, where is originally came from, but we can find its worshipers in America and Europe as well. 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Muhammad dictated to the Quran, which is the holy book of Islam. The followers of the Islam religion call themselves Muslims. â€Å"There is approximately 1.8 billion people that follow the Islam religion. It is the second largest religion in the world† (Lipka, 2017). Followers

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Governance and Leadership Free Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Individual Reflection about Current Leadership Practice. Answer: Reflection: The necessity of emotional and social intelligence is profoundly observed in the contemporary domain of business management and education. These fields are gradually becoming exposed to the reduction in barriers of culture and geography thereby increasing the necessity of higher emotional and social adaptation. In the group activities, students in universities would have to face the requirement of implementing their social and personal competences for achieving team objectives. I was able to reflect on my personal capability of self-confidence through the use of distinct tools such as the ESCI questionnaire, Quinn Management Questionnaire and other diagnostic toolkits provided for leadership competence assessment. The self-analysis or reflection enabled me to compare my own practices from specific incidents where I was able to implement my ability of self-confidence to accomplish leadership objectives. Reflective analysis of the incidents with respect to results of the diagnostic tools would provide a cognizable impression of the particular areas in my personal competences that can contribute to the development of my self-confidence. The use of the ESCI Situational Leadership questionnaire proved to be an efficient diagnostic tool that provided a concise yet illustrative impression of my personal competences. The primary components of the ESCI questionnaire are observed in the four quadrants which characterize the essential requirements for superlative leadership performance. Self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management are the four profound pillars of the ESCI model (Leggat Balding, 2013). One of the profound advantages of the model is that it facilitates an impression of personal capabilities, awareness and initiatives alongside reflecting on the same for others also. The aspects of self-awareness and self-management included in the ESCI questionnaire allowed me to emphasize on my knowledge of my emotional self alongside the specific dimensions of self-management which I could implement for developing leadership competences such as self-confidence. Self-management dimensions asked in the questionnaire referred to my capabilities for emotional self-control, positive outlook, achievement orientation and adaptability. The prominent implications that were derived from the questionnaire assessment suggested that I scored less on the dimensions of positive outlook and adaptability (Mair, Mayer Lutz, 2015). Thereafter the findings of the questionnaire depicted my capabilities for apprehending the perception of others i.e. social awareness which was characterized by references to individual competences of organizational awareness and empathy. While I was able to score substantially well in the organizational awareness dimension, the results indicated minimal performance with respect to empathy. The concerns for relationship management referred to a wide assortment of functions such as influence, conflict management, teamwork, inspirational leadership and coaching and mentoring (McAlister, Marcos Ferrell, 2016). The results suggested potential performance in terms of conflict management, teamwork and coaching and mentoring while the influence and inspirational leadership aspects depicted minimal scores. The review of these scores with respect to the practical incidents encountered in the recent 12 months would enable me to recognize the particular dimensions of emotional and social intelligence that can assist me in the improvement of my personal leadership capability of self-confidence (Michaud, 2014). The first incident that comes to my mind when I reflect on my capability of self-confidence was a group assignment that was assigned to four members. We were required to provide a presentation on leadership traits of entrepreneurs. The requirements of the presentation could have been realized only after considerable preparatory stages involving evaluation and analysis. However, inappropriate circumstances such as health issues of two group members led to reduction in motivation of my other group partner (Mller, Pemsel Shao, 2014). During that specific period of time, we were facing the immediate requirement of catering the deadline assigned for the presentation and our preparation was not according to the expected standards. I was able to encourage my team member through my self-confidence and I assured him that I would complete major part of the assignment such as data collection and organizing the information to be presented while I motivated him to use his basic computer operation skills and prepare the PowerPoint presentation. Another incident in the university within the past 12 months which tested my ability of self confidence was the requirement of completing a dissertation research proposal pertaining to the topic of contemporary leadership strategies (Mller, Pemsel Shao, 2015). My apprehensions were primarily vested in the lack of previous experience in preparing a research proposal as I faced difficulties in understanding the data collection methodologies and standardization of data. However, I was able to overcome my apprehensions owing to self-confidence and I implemented measures for learning and minimizing my pitfalls. The essential concerns that could be observed in case of this incident were my ability to motivate myself for completing a difficult task alongside recognising my personal ability to handle stress. Critical reflection on the scores of diagnostic tests with respect to the implications of the practical incidents I faced in the past 12 months facilitated the derivation of two specific areas which I could improve for enhancing self-confidence capabilities. Developing a positive outlook and inspirational leadership competences were identified as the two areas where I need professional development. Acquisition of these competences could lead to improvement of my self-confidence further since they would impinge positive outcome on personal development as well as facilitate a viable perception of the immediate social aspects. Even though I was able to motivate the sole team member available for the group presentation project, I should have inquired into the reasons for the absence of other team members from the presentation activity and the viability of their claims of health issues. However, I refrained from such measures due to apprehensions pertaining to any potential conflict. Therefore, this indicated a low degree of self-confidence that could deter my future prospects as a leader where I would have to encounter similar situations pertaining to employee unavailability. Inspirational leadership would have been a promising resolution for such a scenario where the other team members would have overcome their limitations and contributed reasonable efforts to the team activity. The development of a positive outlook is necessarily observed as a quality that could be improved for addressing an enhancement of my personal competence of self-confidence (Nielsen, 2014). My reflection on the second scenario suggested my capabilities for pursuing objectives without any influence of setbacks or disadvantages of the situation. Further development of such behaviour could lead to prolific improvement in my personal leadership competence of self-confidence. Literature review: Self confidence is generally considered as the primary foundation upon which the leadership capabilities of an individual can flourish. The impact of developing leaders without any initiatives for confidence building could be detrimental in the long run. As per Al-sharafi Rajiani, the other potential aspects of leadership such as communication, passion and empowerment could become irrational once the individual recognizes lower scales of self-confidence. Self confidence is a formidable indicator of the personal capabilities for being assured in ideas, decisions, capabilities and judgements (Al-sharafi Rajiani, 2013). The contributions of self-confidence towards individual efforts, objectives and tolerance for frustration could be viably considered as major inputs for development of leadership capabilities. According to Bao, et al, Self-confidence also serves as an assurance for group members pertaining to the observation of control over the situation in the workplace or immediate environment (Bao, et al., 2013). On the contrary, excess of self confidence is also perceived with certain disadvantages such as irresponsive attitude towards criticism, lack of communication with team members and acquisition of opinions. Insecurities are also major outcomes of higher levels of self-confidence and have been described comprehensively in business management literature (Shattock, 2013). Self-confidence is a prolific personality trait and has been described on a generic basis according to the Trait Theory of leadership. The confidence of an individual in self and personal competences and abilities can be considered as self-confidence albeit with the introduction of viable modifications in its definition through the works of various researchers (Beer, 2014). Review of literature pertaining to self confidence and its role in development of leadership capabilities suggests diverse interpretations of the term self-confidence. Some studies imply that self-confidence is the perceived capability of self to complete specific tasks on the basis of analysis of the present scenario or from the experiences acquired in the past. As per Carter Greer, self-confidence is invariably associated with the improvement of self-efficacy and the implications of experiential knowledge related to self-confidence could lead to observation of competence to accomplish specific objectives. Self confidence also comprises of references to internal and external components including awareness and concern for self as well as towards others in the immediate society (Carter Greer, 2013). Behavioural indications have also been profoundly associated with depiction of self confidence alongside the attributes of effectiveness, initiative, persistence, positive accomplishments, self-esteem and self-awareness. Therefore behavioural or personal characteristics have been identified as notable influences on the self-confidence of an individual and self confidence development could be ensured effectively through references to essential leadership diagnostic toolkits such as ECSI questionnaire which reflect on distinct competences such as inspirational leadership and positive outlook that can be improved for obtaining reasonable outcomes in terms of leadership capabilities (De Bussy, 2013). As per Douglas, the diagnostic toolkit allowed the proliferation of outcomes such as ability of students alongside the amount of effort that can be possibly applied for accomplishing goals. Examples of variable scales introduced for measuring self confidence direct towards Attitude Attribute Scale and the Perceived Self-Confidence Scale among which the former is suitable for students while the latter is for nurses (Douglas, 2013). References towards the role of self-efficacy in the improvement of leadership competences cannot by undermined since leadership efficacy is observed as a major attribute that influences the performance evaluations in leadership simulations. It is essential to consider that an individuals perception about the personal capabilities to achieve specific tasks lead to self perception of incompetence and competence and is prominently observed in the acquired proficiency in new tasks, formation of social networks on the basis of professional initiatives and comparative reviews of the performance of other teams. The observed measurement scales for evaluating leadership competences can be held accountable for accessing opportunities to improve personal skills (Shattock, 2013). For example, observation of notable aspects of self-awareness, social relationship management and personal management could be helpful for a leader to address areas which can lead to acquisition of improvement in particular leadership competences such as credibility, influence and self-confidence. According to Hendrickson, et al, the scores obtained by leaders on notable scales such as the ESCI questionnaire can direct towards the specific dimensions of empathy, positive outlook, coaching and mentoring, inspirational leadership, influence, teamwork, achievement orientation, emotional self-control and organizational awareness where leaders either perform better or less. The observed areas of improvement from the self reflection were primarily directed towards the development of positive outlook and inspirational leadership qualities (Hendrickson, et al., 2013). An illustration of the interplay between these two aspects of emotional and social intelligence with the improvement of self-confidence can be apprehended through a comprehensive understanding of the competences and their specific characteristics. Positive outlook of an individual is accounted in the self management aspect of emotional and social intelligence as it enables the person to adapt to situations effectively on the grounds of persistence and minimal emphasis on the obstacles (Thoenig Paradeise, 2014). The essence of positive outlook is also perceived in developing a positive attitude towards people and perceiving the actions of other people positively. This could lead to reduction of insecurities thereby facilitating cognizable improvement in self-confidence of an individual and improving personal capabilities to complete assigned tasks alongside accomplishing objectives. Inspirational leadership can be associated with the ability to inspire individuals for accomplishing predefined objectives alongside motivating other individuals to project their best performance in team activities and personal initiatives (Johnson, 2014). The requirement of training for developing inspirational leadership qualities could influence the levels of self-confidence in an individual since inspirational leadership primarily requires communication with other people in the surrounding environment (Jucan, Jucan Rotariu, 2013). The skills required for communication such as personality improvement and self-grooming as well as language improvement skills could serve as vital contributions to the development of self-confidence thereby leading to improvement of leadership competences. Engagement in training programs and comprehensive review of management literature could be considered as notable initiatives that can help an individual in addressing improvement of leadership competences. The concerns for evaluating leadership competences among university students are largely vested in the observation of their capabilities to complete academic tasks and their willingness to invest efforts for obtaining higher scales of performance in the future tasks (Jones, 2013). Action Plan: Event/Month Month1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Establish The Purpose Identify Development Need Development Opportunities Action Plan Undertake Development Outcomes Review and Evaluate Conclusion: The report illustrated a self-reflection of leadership diagnostic analysis with distinct references to the competences for self-management, social awareness, self-awareness and relationship management and the depiction of personal capabilities for addressing practical scenarios. The self-reflection was characterized by the inclusion of references to two incidents that resulted in proliferation of insights for developing specific areas of emotional and social intelligence concepts such as positive outlook and inspirational leadership. A comprehensive literature review was also illustrated in the report for presenting a legible overview of self-confidence alongside reflecting on the specific aspects identified in the self-analysis and reflection that are associated with concerns of development. References Al-sharafi, H., Rajiani, I. (2013). Promoting organizational citizenship behavior among employees-the role of leadership practices.International Journal of Business and Management,8(6), 47. Bao, G., Wang, X., Larsen, G. L., Morgan, D. F. (2013). Beyond new public governance: a value-based global framework for performance management, governance, and leadership.Administration Society,45(4), 443-467. Beer, A. (2014). Leadership and the governance of rural communities.Journal of Rural Studies,34, 254-262. Carter, S. M., Greer, C. R. (2013). Strategic leadership: Values, styles, and organizational performance.Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies,20(4), 375-393. De Bussy, N. (2013). Refurnishing the Grunig Edifice: Strategic public relations management, strategic communication and organizational leadership. InPublic relations and communication management: Current trends and emerging topics(pp. 79-92). Routledge. Douglas, P. A. (2013).A Study of Birnbaum's Theory of the Relationship Between the Constructs of Leadership and Organization as Depicted in His Higher Education Models of Organizational Functioning: A Contextual Leadership Paradigm for Higher Education(Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University). Hendrickson, R. M., Lane, J. E., Harris, J. T., Dorman, R. H. (2013).Academic leadership and governance of higher education: A guide for trustees, leaders, and aspiring leaders of two-and four-year institutions. Stylus Publishing, LLC. Johnson, T. (2014).Organizational progeny: Why governments are losing control over the proliferating structures of global governance. Oxford University Press, USA. Jones, G. A. (2013). The horizontal and vertical fragmentation of academic work and the challenge for academic governance and leadership.Asia Pacific Education Review,14(1), 75-83. Jucan, M., Jucan, C., Rotariu, I. (2013). The Social Destination: How Social Media Influences the Organisational Structure and Leadership of DMOs.World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology,78, 1426-1432. Leggat, S. G., Balding, C. (2013). Achieving organisational competence for clinical leadership: the role of high performance work systems.Journal of health organization and management,27(3), 312-329. Mair, J., Mayer, J., Lutz, E. (2015). Navigating institutional plurality: Organizational governance in hybrid organizations.Organization Studies,36(6), 713-739. McAlister, D. T., Marcos, S., Ferrell, O. C. (2016). Corporate governance and ethical leadership.Business Ethics: New Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders: New Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders, 56. Michaud, V. (2014). Mediating the paradoxes of organizational governance through numbers.Organization Studies,35(1), 75-101. Mller, R., Pemsel, S., Shao, J. (2014). Organizational enablers for governance and governmentality of projects: A literature review.International Journal of Project Management,32(8), 1309-1320. Mller, R., Pemsel, S., Shao, J. (2015). Organizational enablers for project governance and governmentality in project-based organizations.International Journal of Project Management,33(4), 839-851. Nielsen, R. K. (2014).Global Mindset as Managerial Meta-competence and Organizational Capability: Boundary-crossing Leadership Cooperation in the MNC The Case of Group Mindsetin Solar A. S. Shattock, M. (2013). University governance, leadership and management in a decade of diversification and uncertainty.Higher Education Quarterly,67(3), 217-233. Stensaker, B., Vab, A. (2013). Re?inventing shared governance: Implications for organisational culture and institutional leadership.Higher Education Quarterly,67(3), 256-274. Thoenig, J. C., Paradeise, C. (2014). Organizational governance and the production of academic quality: Lessons from two top US research universities.Minerva,52(4), 381-417.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Is EDM a bad Influence on our Youth free essay sample

?Electronic Dance Music, also known as the acronym â€Å"EDM†, has stirred up a controversy across the United States in the past few weeks. The controversy started at Electric Zoo (Ezoo), a 3-day electronic dance music festival that is held yearly in New York City on Randall’s Island. On the second day of the event, 2 maximal ravers died and 4 were hospitalized due to the over use of Ecstasy (also known for the slang term â€Å"Molly†) which immediately lead to the cancellation of the third and final day of the festival. The club drug â€Å"Molly† isnt new to society but has unfortunately became the drug of choice when it comes to enhancing the experience for some EDM fans. Electric Zoo, like all festivals, has a â€Å"Zero Tolerance Policy† when it comes to drugs, but even with a security search of each person before you enter, the drug still manages to get in. We will write a custom essay sample on Is EDM a bad Influence on our Youth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With that being said this isnt the first situation in which fans have died from â€Å"Molly†. In the past seven months there has been reports on several other occasions where people have also died from taking the drug during Dance Music events across the country. Which brings up the interesting subject of the genre being banned from the United States. Should the United States ban Electronic Dance Music? Is Electronic Dance Music a bad influence on our youth? I am interested in the subject of the issue simply because i myself listen to Electronic Dance Music. Ive been a huge fan of the dance music scene since i was about 13 and since then made it a part of my everyday life. I cant even go a day without playing some of my favorite songs whether if its in my room, in the car or on my iPod. I was so infatuated with the genre that i actually started DJing and making electronic dance music on my computer. i spend everyday learning how to make melodies and drum patterns so that one day i could accomplish the dream of becoming a professional like the idols i listen to now. Therefore the issue of banning the genre in the United States has a huge impact on my life. According to blogs and other social networking sites the thought of petitions being created to ban the music due to a few irresponsible people dying caused an uproar in all EDM fans and even in professional artists and Djs. There are many petitions being place on the internet but one official petition to the Obama Administration has fans skeptical about the reasons of why the creator of the document wants the genre banned. The quote â€Å"After the recent deaths at New York’s Electric Zoo weekend. I firmly believe we should ban the manufacturing of electronic dance music. It is turning our children into drug addicts and murderers. † was placed on www. whitehouse. gov on the first of September. Its amazing how someone could just assume that sounds that go into your ear causes children to be drug addicts and murderers. The victims who died at Electric Zoo were 20 and 23, fully grown adults who have the maturity and responsibility to make their own decisions and take care of themselves. The victims chose to not only take one but multiple pills of molly which is obviously a horrible decision to make, therefore its on the victims behalf that they overdosed and not the music’s. Drug dealers passing out and selling the drug at these events have a part in it also. In that case if Electronic Music should be banned because its â€Å"†¦turning our children into drug addicts and murders† then rap music should be banned also. Rappers talk about killing people, gang banging, drugs, sex, and other horrible subjects in their songs and Molly also seems to be a trend in the genre of rap culture too. The following lyrics â€Å"Take the blunt, dip it in the lean, then light it, Pop a Molly, drink some orange juice, get higher†, and â€Å"I cant seem to find Molly, Molly, Molly, †¦. Put it in my drank, you already know.. † are some prime examples that you hear from popular rappers Juicy J and Tyga. With that being said banning dance music isnt going to solve the issue of people using the drug. Since the tragedy at Ezoo, Djs and artists like A-trak, Kaskade and Steve Angello are putting in their input to speak up against drug use while also sharing their stories of being sober and helping spread the idea that you dont need drugs to enjoy the great experience that is already being brought to you. A-trak quoted â€Å"I dont think we should be afraid to say dont do drugs† in a recent interview as well as popular dj Armin Van Buuren, â€Å"For some reason we have the stamp of drug misuse and I think that it’s unfair,† he said. â€Å"It ruins the party for a lot of other people. †

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Political Crisis Essays - Caricature, Cartoon, Editorial Cartoon

Political Crisis American political cartoons often follow the general displeasure of the government by the American people. They run the gamut from economics to foreign policy to the overwhelming popular topic of bureaucracy. As an avid reader of political cartoons on a daily basis I enjoy the humor and cynicism found within these forms of speech. Not only can they poke fun at politicians for their behavior, but, they often raise a strong sense of values and morals in the person that reads them. Whether a person agrees or disagrees with the way a certain topic is portrayed in the cartoon it accomplishes the artists goal of making their reader stop and ponder for a moment about the topic being covered and how it relates to them. From topics currently facing the United Nations, our federal government or current news events, the cartoonists use a medium that was once reserved for innocent humor and changes it so that it draws the readers attention (since it is a cartoon and people seem to enjoy reading the funnies), and makes a statement, whether direct or indirect, that often makes people speak about or try and change the topics outcome. Since the beginning of America political cartoons have often portrayed government officials as inept and sometimes just plain stupid. Politicians are very easy targets for the press and so become the subject of many daily papers editorial page cartoon. Although sometimes the cartoonist draws on current events and pay tribute to people who are often thought of with reverence. Take for example Charles Schultz, on the day following his death most cartoons as well as political cartoons payed homage to a person who is considered the greatest cartoonist of all time. Other cartoon strips showed their characters attending his funeral or missing him in some other way. While the most poignant political cartoon I remember about his death was by a cartoonist Mike Thompson of the Detroit free press. It showed Charlie Brown walking through the gates of heaven with an older man walking beside him and saying to him, ? Now, a few pointers about kicking a football?. The person walking with Charlie Brown was Tom Landry. Political cartoons stay on the pulse of current affairs and in doing so tries to draw the attention of their audience to the topic and nudges them to take some kind of action. So if you want to know about how a segment of America feels, turn to their editorials and read the political cartoon. Political Issues

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pa Element or Protactinium Facts

Pa Element or Protactinium Facts Protactinium is a radioactive element predicted to exist in 1871 by Mendeleev, although it was not discovered until 1917 or isolated until 1934. The element has atomic number 91 and element symbol Pa. Like most elements on the periodic table, protactinium is a silver-colored metal. However, the metal is dangerous to handle because it and its compounds are both toxic and radioactive. Here are useful and interesting Pa element facts: Name: Protactinium (previously brevium and then protoactinium, but the IUPAC shortened the name to protactinium in 1949 to make the element name easier to pronounce) Atomic Number: 91 Symbol: Pa Atomic Weight: 231.03588 Discovery: Fajans Gohring 1913; Fredrich Soddy, John Cranston, Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner 1917 (England/France). Dmitri Mendeleev predicted the existed of an element between thorium and uranium on the periodic table. However, the actinide group was not known at that time. William Crookes isolated protactinium from uranium in 1900, but he was unable to characterize it, so does not get credit for discovery. Protactinium was not isolated as a pure element until 1934 by  Aristid von Grosse. Electron Configuration: [Rn] 7s2 5f2 6d1 Word Origin: Greek protos, meaning first. Fajans and Gohring in 1913 named the element brevium, because the isotope they discovered, Pa-234, was short-lived. When Pa-231 was identified by Hahn and Meitner in 1918, the name protoactinium was adopted because this name was considered to be more consistent with the characteristics of the most abundant isotope (protactinium forms actinium when it radioactively decays). In 1949, the name protoactinium was shortened to protactinium. Isotopes: Protactinium has 13 isotopes. The most common isotope is Pa-231, which has a half-life of 32,500 years. The first isotope to be discovered was Pa-234, which was also called UX2. Pa-234 is a short-lived member of the naturally occurring U-238 decay series. The longer-lived isotope, Pa-231, was identified by Hahn and Meitner in 1918. Properties: The atomic weight of protactinium is 231.0359, its melting point is 1600 °C, specific gravity has been calculated to be 15.37, with a valence of 4 or 5. Protactinium has a bright metallic luster which is retained for a while in air. The element is superconductive below 1.4K. Several protactinium compounds are known, some of which are colored. Protactinium is an alpha emitter (5.0 MeV) and is a radiological hazard which requires special handling. Protactinium is one of the rarest and most expensive naturally occurring elements. Sources:  The element occurs in pitchblende to the extent of about 1 part Pa-231 to 10 million parts ore. In general, Pa only occurs at a concentration of a few parts per trillion in the Earths crust. While originally isolated from uranium ores, today protactinium is made as a fission intermediate in thorium high-temperature nuclear reactors. Other Interesting Protactinium Facts In solution, the 5 oxidation state quickly combines with hydroxide ions to form (radioactive) hydroxy-oxide solids that stick to the surface of the container.Protactinium has no stable isotopes.Handling of protactinium is similar to that of plutonium, due to its potent radioactivity.Even if it was not radioactive, protactinium would present a health risk because the element is also a toxic metal.The largest amount of protactinium obtained to date was 125 grams, which the Great Britain Atomic Energy Authority extracted from 60 tons of nuclear waste.Although protactinium has few uses aside from research purposes, it may be combined with the isotope thorium-230 to date marine sediments.The estimated cost of one gram of protactinium is about $280. Element Classification: Radioactive Rare Earth (Actinide) Density (g/cc): 15.37 Melting Point (K): 2113 Boiling Point (K): 4300 Appearance: silvery-white, radioactive metal Atomic Radius (pm): 161 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 15.0 Ionic Radius: 89 (5e) 113 (3e) Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.121 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 16.7 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 481.2 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.5 Oxidation States: 5, 4 Lattice Structure: Tetragonal Lattice Constant (Ã…): 3.920 Sources Emsley, John (2011).  Natures building blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960563-7.Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997).  Chemistry of the Elements  (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-08-037941-8.Hammond, C. R. (2004). The Elements, in  Handbook of Chemistry and Physics  (81st ed.). CRC press. ISBN 978-0-8493-0485-9.Weast, Robert (1984).  CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4. Return to the Periodic Table

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bodily Effects of Hazardous Materials Research Paper

Bodily Effects of Hazardous Materials - Research Paper Example Some technologically advanced landfills also leak from time to time. The tanks used to store petroleum or chemicals can easily leak and catch fire. Tanks in the underground can weaken and leak their hazardous materials. There are many risks when transporting hazardous materials, for example, when trucks overturn or train crash. People can also dump hazardous materials in sewer systems, warehouses that are abandoned or remote areas, ditches to escape the costs of safe dumping. There are three routes of entry that hazardous materials enter into the body: ingestion, absorption, and inhalation (SYKLI, 2012). Health risks commonly linked with hazardous materials are grouped as acute and chronic. It is a must for one to get medical attention when one is exposed to harmful materials. Most of these exposures have treatment if one takes immediate action. Acute/ immediate effects result from a short-time exposure to hazardous substances. Some of the immediate warning signs include headaches, nausea, dizziness, skin, eye or respiratory damage or irritation, unconsciousness and even death. The most noticeable and common warning signs are skin, eye, and respiratory irritation. Occurrences of deaths are very rare, and the majority of these exposures can be treated if immediate attention is taken. Chronic/delayed effects occur after a long time exposure to hazardous materials. The exposure can also be very small over a lengthened period. The effects mainly target the liver and kidneys as all chemicals that get into the body pass through these organs. A perfect example of an unending health effect is called lung cancer from radon inhalation or cigarette smoke. There are some products that can cause large health risks, though used as directed. For instance, there are products taken off the market or banned due to their health or environmental risks, for example, those containing PCTs, PCBs, asbestos fibers, mercury, lead and arsenic