Saturday, May 16, 2020

Influences on and Temptations for Macbeth Essay - 1335 Words

Macbeth, once seen as the mighty and ambitious warrior and, the honorable Scottish Thane of Glamis. He was know to be genuine, honest man who is loyal to his king and would do anything to protect his country. In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth undergoes a transformation from good to evil, which brings him the crown and title, King Macbeth, but it also brings him his death. However Macbeth did not reach the transformation from a genuine, honest and mighty warrior to an evil tyrant alone, there were key motivational factors guiding him. Throughout the play the Three Witches, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth himself were all motivational factors that manipulated Macbeth into evil. Although Macbeth is to blame for his own actions,†¦show more content†¦They poison his mind with these prophecies, making him greedy and bringing out the evil qualities in his soul. When the first of the prophecies is proven true, Macbeth then considers the idea of murdering Duncan for the first time. This is his first step on the journey to his downfall, as the Three Witches had planned. The Three Witches plan has succeeded, they had brought out the greed in Macbeth, allowing him to make the most important decision - to kill King Duncan. Macbeths malevolence and deceptiveness are sown further when he becomes so obsessed with the witches prophecies to his own friend Banquo, that he decides to hire men to kill him and his son Fleance. After Macbeth went through the murder of Duncan and Banquo, he slowly lost his sanity, it is at this point that the witches were easily able to control his mind. They have succeeded in bringing out the Evil qualities in Macbeth and are ready to finish their game and make sure Macbeth continues to spiral downward. With Hecates lead, the witches plan to bring Macbeth to his death by making him overconfident, they do this by presenting him with three apparitions. The first appears as an armed head that speaks, Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff; beware the Thane of Fife. (Act 4, Scene 1, Lines 70-71) The second apparition is a bloody child that tells Macbeth, BeShow MoreRelatedTragic Circumstances, Social Pressures, and Flaws in Shakespeares MacBeth957 Words   |  4 PagesThe play Macbeth by William Shakespeare uses the genre of tragedy through the inclusion of distinctive elements of tragic circumstance, social pressures and flaws within the individual’s character. Shakespeare manipulates these features of a tragedy to evoke audience interest leaving responders with insightful thoughts about human nature such as the dangers of vaulting ambition, the fragility of human morality and the temptation of deviation from the natural order. Early in the play, ShakespeareRead MoreSupernatural Elements In Shakespeares Macbeth1305 Words   |  6 PagesPowerful Influences: Supernatural Elements in Macbeth How might one’s power be altered if influenced by a mystical power? 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