Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Apple Inc.'s Ethical Success And Challenges Essay

Apple Inc.'s Ethical Success And Challenges - Essay Example The second way in which Steve Jobs as the CEO of Apple Inc. embraced ethical leadership is through encouraging debate within the organization. This in effect meant that the employees of Apple Inc. could freely share their ideas with each other on what they thought was good for the organization; through allowing the employees to express their views and their feelings, the employees felt valued and respected because of being allowed to make their input on the various issues in the organization, this in effect made the employees of Apple Inc. more loyal to the Company. Jobs leadership, therefore, helped create an ethical culture in which the employees would honestly and openly share their ideas and their feelings with each other. The third way in which Steve Jobs as the CEO of Apple Inc. embraced ethical leadership was through creating a vision for the Company that the employees of the Company could believe in. Through creating a vision for the Company that the employees could believe in, Steve Jobs helped create a culture of shared goals and objectives among the employees of Apple Inc.; through Steve Jobs’ leadership style of creating a vision for the Company that the employees could believe in, the employees of Apple Inc. were motivated to work harder towards realization of the goals of the Company that they believed in. Steve Jobs’ ethical leadership style, therefore, helped in creating a culture of hard work in Apple Inc. The first step that was taken by Apple Inc. to ensure an ethical culture within the organization was the creation of a conducive environment for the employees; through the flattened organizational structure that the Apple Inc. adopted, the Apple Company created a conducive working environment for the employees of the Company because the employees did not need to go through layers of bureaucracy to express their views and their feelings to the top management of the Company.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Project Management for Body Shop Products through Online Channels Research Paper

Project Management for Body Shop Products through Online Channels - Research Paper Example As to retail their strategies they believe in their stores instead of franchise marketing, however, however, an expansion of online shopping strategy may be a requirement for Body Shop as most of the international market is now shrinking into online shopping which is becoming a preference for most customers. Also, there are many websites selling similar products online. Websites do drag a number of customers because of their online marketing. For expanding their brand image and selling possibilities, Body Shop may opt for involving online, print and media marketing strategies which are supposed to provide uplift in the popularity and information of Body Shop and its products. They must also be keen to provide proper investments to online marketing strategies. Key Strategies for Market Expansion Over the last years most of the sale had been targeted to local natives buying from stores. Now, as the online sales have come under main suppositions, Body Shop has to focus on advertising th ough various print and media options enhancing the traffic on their websites. They have to understand that it is surprisingly rare for people to say that IT technology causes project failure or major difficulties, but it is usually project management - or a lack of it - that causes the grief (Roberts). Thus, a proper marketing strategy applied for marketing online, may require a project that bring a new brand image alive. There are a number of key points to be included in project: Body Shop has to look for establishing various hoardings and banners to drag the attentions of passersby and residents maintaining their range and facility to provide their products in the shortest period of time and within an economical range. For enhancing the range through online retailing, Body Shop has to generate their marketing websites including very minute detailing of their products attached with various online visual advertisements focusing the quality, key factors of their products and ease of their services. They also have to rebuild their content stressing their past records and their new strategies. Content is very important because it is chief factor to drag customers attention while online marketing has become a significant part of the marketing mix in many organizations (An introduction to Internet Marketing). To expose their products to new buyers, they have to including numerous options of news papers and magazines that will make their new strategies to expand through print advertisements. For expanding their range of delivery Body Shop have to include more representatives particularly for their online management. Over the recent analysis, Body Shop has to realize that scenario of market has drastically changed after 2005. Previously, most of the customers using Body Shop products were regular customers depending chiefly on their reliable shops and retail store. However, experimental nature is now quite common among the customers. Also there are many random custom ers who believe in ‘giving a try’ to numerous products. Therefore, Body Shop has to design its further planning and managements according to new definitions clientele and market scenarios. Key Plans for Managing the Reformation There are a number of steps to be taken in order to accomplish the renovation of overall market strategies of Body Shop. Even if they have to pay attention to common